Sunday, January 23, 2011

Q: What is the difference between "Blue" and "Green" acapella®?

Answer: Acapella® is a vibratory Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Therapy System which also combines the benefits of airway vibrations to mobilize pulmonary secretions.

PEP devices work by having a one way valve that creates resistance when the patient breathes out against it. With PEP therapy, the pressure difference that occurs when a patient breathes out allows the lungs to fill with additional air, which in turn will push the mucus out as the lungs try to return to an equilibrant volume.

Patient inhales deeply with a 3 to 4 second breath hold, alternating with normal breathing. Inspiratory to expiratory ratio is kept around 1:3 to 1:4. After 5-10 exhalations of alternating regular/deep breaths, patient is asked to cough.

Blue Acapella - has low expired lung volumes with less than 15 lpm for 3 seconds.
Green Acapella - has high expired lung volumes with more than 15 lpm for 3 seconds.